Windy City Times: What made you decide to go on the RHOC?
Fernanda Rocha: New adventure, new opportunity in life. I am all about going for new things and when the opportunity came in front of me, I just saw a fantastic and fun adventure where I would be making new friends, meeting new people. Hopefully, put a big message out their about myself.
Windy City Times: You were married once, correct?
Fernanda Rocha: Yes!
Windy City Times: What made you decide to date women after your marriage?
Fernanda Rocha: Something inside me, I knew I had to search my soul. I got divorced [ and ] found someone wonderful. I connected. We spent many years together. It was a second marriage.
Windy City Times: Some news sources say that you are not a lesbian, but bisexual instead. How do you answer that?
Fernanda Rocha: I know who I am. I do believe in my vision for life: [ to ] have a family, with a woman and a little bambino very soon. This is what I'm putting out there. What people say, I cannot control that.

Fernanda Rocha: Tamra and Gretchen were shooting in one bar here in Laguna. I was finishing my shooting with my clothing line and I went there to celebrate. They saw a couple of my friends wearing the line; we made a connection. They start asking about the clothing, the gym. We exchanged cards and eventually Tamra came along, and she knew that I had a Brazilian booty class and said, "I am going to bring the girl. We want to take the class." We became part of our connection there.
Windy City Times: Bravo is quoted in a statement saying "Fernando and Tamra are pals and they love to flirt." Is there something to that?
Fernanda Rocha: I am single I flirt. I love to flirt and Tamra and I have an interesting connection. You have to watch and then you'll understand a little bit more, but [ we are ] flirting in a very healthy way. We all do, right?
Windy City Times: Are you dating anyone right now?
Fernanda Rocha: No, I'm open for love.
Windy City Times: Will we see you express that on the show?
Fernanda Rocha: Yeah, you will.
Windy City Times: What should fans of the show expect from you this season?
Fernanda Rocha: They're going to get the chance to get to know me. Just watch; you'll see. I cannot judge myself. I think I'm wonderful. I hope they think the same about me.
Credit: Windy City Times (Natasha Hemley)
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